Hello all, hope everyone is ok. I used Trinity to do a de novo transcriptome assembly, then blastp/blastx and then used Blast2GO software to do KEGG and GO analysis. So i got some txt files with header :
for GO
Sequence name Sequence desc. Sequence length Hit desc. Hit ACC E-Value Similarity Bit-Score Alignment length Positives
for KEGG
Seq Pathway Pathway ID #Enzs in Pathway Enzyme
All well so far. Then i was asked to do 3 tasks. 1. Tables with terpenes synthases, (monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes and triterpenes) and corresponding phylogenetic trees including other known terpene synthases from all categories from other plant species. 2. Tables with Cytochrome P450s enzymes implicated in terpene biosynthesis (categorization per clades and clans) and corresponding phylogenetic trees including other known terpene CYPs from all clades and clans from other plant species. 3. From the sent graphs corresponding to the different KEGG and GO ontology analyses, you need to export the data for the GO analysis for all three parameters (categories, names, blasts, total number of contigs and percentage) to an excel file to be able to transform them in other formats for future publication.
I have no idea how to proceed. Any guidance? Thanks