Hi all,
I apologize for the naiveté of my post as I'm a novice with coding and this is my first post here.
I'm a biology masters student currently working with SNP data from 70 whole genome sequence files of a bird of prey. My project is to evaluate how currently taxonomy is reflected with genomic data. To do this, I've sequenced all 70 samples using the Illumina NovaSeq platform, trimmed adapters with SeqPrep and cutadapt, aligned to reference with BWA-mem, marked duplicates with Picard, and performed Indel realigning with GATK. After processing, I've generated and filtered several datasets of different parameters with ANGSD (some samples were from museum specimen and were low coverage) and bcftools (bcftools was for LD pruning), and from the VCFs created (ranging from 8MB to 2GB) I was ultimately able to generate Nexus files for use in SplitsTree4 to estimate phylogenetic networks. This is one of several analyses I'm doing, however I've run into a problem.
My laptop is not capable of running SplitsTree4 due to the amount of memory required, so I've been able to run an interactive job through my university's HPC. For this, I have been able to launch the GUI of SplitsTree4 on my laptop using XQuartz for Macbook (since the command line version has been surprisingly difficult to run successfully). That being said, after loading my Nexus file and bootstrapping successfully, I get an error when trying to show the bootstrap network:
Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread “Thread-4”
This is the only output I receive, and the thread is sometimes a different number (5..7..etc.). In SplitsTree, upon install you can specify the maximum memory allowed, so I've tried increasing the maximum amount of allowed memory to be used from 8GB all the way to 307GB and still received the same error. I've reached out to the HPC support, but they've asked me to investigate the code to see how memory is allocated. From what I've seen, there is a difference in heap memory and perm memory, and this is likely due to having insufficient perm memory. Given that this is a GUI and I can only specify maximum memory (-Xmx..I'm assuming heap memory), how can I remedy this error?
Thanks in advance!
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Will do! Thanks for the help!