I want to clean my multiple sequence alignment file (FASTA) in which lots of ambiguity like N, gap Y, K are present. From where I want to remove all sequences containing at least 1 ambiguous character. I have tried this code (https://biopython.org/wiki/Sequence_Cleaner), But It also did duplicate removal at the same time, But I do not want to remove duplicate. How can I modify this code?
Thanks in Advance
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from Bio import SeqIO
def sequence_cleaner(fasta_file, min_length=0, por_n=100):
# Create our hash table to add the sequences
# Using the Biopython fasta parse we can read our fasta input
for seq_record in SeqIO.parse(fasta_file, "fasta"):
# Take the current sequence
sequence = str(seq_record.seq).upper()
# Check if the current sequence is according to the user parameters
if (len(sequence) >= min_length and
(float(sequence.count("N"))/float(len(sequence)))*100 <= por_n):
# If the sequence passed in the test "is it clean?" and it isn't in the
# hash table, the sequence and its id are going to be in the hash
if sequence not in sequences:
sequences[sequence] = seq_record.id
# If it is already in the hash table, we're just gonna concatenate the ID
# of the current sequence to another one that is already in the hash table
sequences[sequence] += "_" + seq_record.id
# Write the clean sequences
# Create a file in the same directory where you ran this script
with open("clear_" + fasta_file, "w+") as output_file:
# Just read the hash table and write on the file as a fasta format
for sequence in sequences:
output_file.write(">" + sequences[sequence] + "\n" + sequence + "\n")
print("CLEAN!!!\nPlease check clear_" + fasta_file)
userParameters = sys.argv[1:]
if len(userParameters) == 1:
elif len(userParameters) == 2:
sequence_cleaner(userParameters[0], float(userParameters[1]))
elif len(userParameters) == 3:
sequence_cleaner(userParameters[0], float(userParameters[1]),
print("There is a problem!")
print("There is a problem!")
Thank You Sir, It works, But In my sequences, there are gaps, Are there any way to remove the gap?
Try running it with the flag --remove_ambiguous