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5.1 years ago
I have a bam file with vary reads length. I want to trim all the reads to the length of the shorter read in the file. I don't have access to to the fastq files, and the bam files went through many filters, so I prefer to do the trimming on the bam. Any idea how cam I do it?
Hi @genomax, please help check the following error. I have installed the bbmap and don't remove any files from the installion directory
Can you try?
Hi @genomax, it turned out to be the java version's problem. jdk1.8 work, but 1.7 failed. I modified the line 228 in the file bbmap/reformat.sh as following:
local CMD="/path/to/java/jdk1.8.0_211/bin/java $EA $EOOM $z $z2 -cp $CP jgi.ReformatReads $@"
From the help
maxlength=0 If nonzero, reads longer than this after trimming will be discarded.
From what i understand it does not want to remove the reads but trim supernumary nucleotide after a certain length