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4.6 years ago
I get an error while aligning sequences using the nextstrain snakemake file It simply says:
ERROR: b''
Any pointers to what may be happening will be appreciated -Lax
[Mon Apr 27 14:12:43 2020]
Job 29:
Aligning sequences to config/reference.gb
- gaps relative to reference are considered real
Cluster: 11
ERROR: b''
shell exited 1 when running: mafft --reorder --anysymbol --nomemsave --adjustdirection --thread 2 results/split_alignments/11.fasta.to_align.fasta 1> results/split_alignments/11.fasta 2> results/split_alignments/11.fasta.log
Not a
expert, but to me this seems like an error in redirection. I suggest you check if you can run either of these two commands outside of your pipeline:If either of them works, it is likely that splitting the
outputs is causing the problem.