I am bringing up the thread regarding the coordinates from BLAT psl-format, previous threads covered regarding in PSL format but I want to include the negative strand the the gap-blocks information too.
I am bringing up the thread regarding the coordinates from BLAT psl-format, previous threads covered regarding in PSL format but I want to include the negative strand the the gap-blocks information too.
I think if you want to extract the alignment sequences, you could directly add "-out=pslx" when you run blat.
I know that's an old question, but anyway: the default .psl
output format of BLAT includes columns block count
, blockSizes
, qStarts
and tStarts
which contain gaps coordinates.
The following R snippet will help to extract all exact matches from BLAT output into a GRangesList
object respecting the gaps:
# skip first 5 lines of header
blat_out <- fread("blat_output_file.psl", skip = 5)
setnames(blat_out, c("V1", "V9", "V10", "V11", "V14", "V16", "V17", "V18", "V19", "V20", "V21"), c("match", "strand", "name", "len", "chr", "start", "end", "blockCount", "blockSizes", "blockStarts", "tStarts"))
# keep only exact matches
blat_out <- blat_out[match==len]
# remove any match on the "alternative" chromosomes
blat_out <- blat_out[!str_detect(chr, "alt")]
blat_out <- blat_out[,.(name, strand, chr, start, end, len, blockCount, blockSizes, blockStarts, tStarts)]
# to make "name" column unique
blat_out[,name:=paste0(name, "_", 1:nrow(.SD)),by=name]
blat_out_blocks_granges <- GRangesList(lapply(blat_out$name, function(name_i){
row <- blat_out[name==name_i]
block_sizes <- as.integer(unlist(str_split(row$blockSizes, ",")))
block_sizes <- block_sizes[!is.na(block_sizes)]
t_starts <- as.integer(unlist(str_split(row$tStarts, ",")))
t_starts <- t_starts[!is.na(t_starts)]
result <- data.table(start=t_starts, end=t_starts+block_sizes)
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(cbind(row[,.(name, strand, chr)], result), keep.extra.columns = T)
names(blat_out_blocks_granges) <- blat_out$name
# and export to a .bed file
export(blat_out_blocks_granges, con = "output.bed", format = "bed")
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Sorry I got back late, there is an extended option to include the sequences or alignments completely from pslx gives the output with the sequences, it does not give you blocks of alignments or missing gaps :(