Here you can download SBS, DBS and ID probabilities for PCAWG reference signatures. Make sure which one are you using, there is one from SigProfiler and the other from SignatureAnalyzer, two methods used in original publication.
After extracting some denovo signatures, how you treat them for your purpose?
Do you fit them against know signatures like COSMIC to see what they are?
I usually extract de novo signatures and compare them with COSMIC signatures to check if we get any known signatures, usually by cosine similarity. If there are new signatures, you need spend a lot of time interpreting them if they are really new or just a noise from variant calling algorithm you used/sequencing errors.
If you fit directly to known signatures, you might miss signatures that are specific to your cohort or to specific phenotype. Having said that, in order to extract meaningful de novo signatures you need 100s of samples.
Here is what they mean, if any of your extracted de novo signatures do not match existing COSMIC signatures, either it's a new signature or an artefact. If it's a new signature, you basically discovered a mutational process that was not identified before that is very specific to your cancer type. However, you need to provide sufficient evidence why you think it's a new signature, for example, do most (if not all) samples which show new signature activity have a common mutation? If so, what's the role of that gene in cancer initiation/progression? If you knock out this gene and do a signature analysis, did you loose that signature activity...I can go on, but I guess you got the point.
Signatures are available from the official website. I doubt that example data from an R package serve as a truely reliable source. Maybe this is only a subset or somehow manipulated. You have no guarantee what this actually is. Official repositories are always recommended.