Hi everyone,
I need a help.
I have RNA seq data from multiple labs which I downloaded and processed by myself. I created a featurecounts matrix. Now I have two queries:
Do I need to remove batch effects? If yes can Deseq2 design matrix (~batch +condition) will be sufficient? Or I need to separately do batch removal (eg. I also tried Combat)?
After correcting/ not correcting for batch should I use approach as given in deseq2 or manually for plotting dendrograms cluster.
a). Deseq2 (no batch correction just ~batch +condition) in design matrix which gives dds object. Here I setup some commands as follows:
vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
sampleDists <- dist(t(assay(vsd)))
sampleDistshc <- hclust(sampleDists, method = "ward.D")
b). Or I should correct batch: using Combat (sva) then apply:
Tbatchcorrectedmatrix <- t(batchcorrectedmatrix)
sampleDists <- dist(scale(Tbatchcorrectedmatrix), method = "euclidean")
sampleDistshc <- hclust(sampleDists, method = "ward.D")
I also noticed combat output gives me negative values. Why it is so and how to correct it?
Please help.
If possible please correct my R codes.
Hi i urgently need suggestions for this query. Please help