I used GATK to call SNP/indel. And I called for five members of trio together.
Result is like below:
G A 89.43 PASS AB=0.427;AC=2;AF=0.33;AN=6;BaseQRankSum=-1.468;DP=12;Dels=0.00;FS=0.000;HRun=1;HaplotypeScore=0.6373;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;MQRankSum=0.536;QD=12.78;ReadPosRankSum=1.134;SB=-26.82;set=variant2 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL ./. 0/1:2,3:5:67.41:102,0,67 ./. 0/1:1,1:2:25.53:26,0,36 0/0:5,0:5:15.05:0,15,200
I'm just curious, what's the difference between "./."
and "0/0"
They both indicate there's no alternative allele, right? Then why use two different symbols?
this is very helpful. thx. Then how to deal with these "./." ? Just disgard them? I'm doing trio analysis, to compare, say five family members within a trio..
They are just missing information, so you just need to handle that in a manner appropriate to the interpretation of your experiment. Sorry if that is vague, but I am not sure what else to say.
One option is to use one of the imputation pipelines to fill in the missing SNPs based on the local haplotype. Have a look at Beagle, impute2 and other similar pipelines. Beagle at least should be able to use the Trio/Pedigree structure which could help alot.
Also it won't work for filling in denovo variants but for your family it should do a pretty good job of filling in shared missing variants.
I would note though in the example your showing all the individuals have pretty low read depth coverage of that site. If you've only got half a dozen individuals and very low coverage even imputation will have issues if your missing too many vars.