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4.8 years ago
Hi all,
I have a data set of scRNA-seq of a tumor bulk which consists of malignant and non-malignant cells. I was wondering how I can distinguish these cells based on single cell expression profiles?
You can find the logic in various papers. For example, in neuronal cancers microglia and enothelial celsl would be non-malignant? Depends on the cancer type also. You also have to have knowledge about the wild type tissue composition.
I am trying to retrieve data of endothelial cells in a malignant tumor, I was thinking of using SINCERA but I have problem installing its package in R
You can use general endothelial markers. Reading some related papers will give you an idea. Ask more specific question like how to do analysis rather than a conceptual question. Different people will address it differently, and ask about problems you are facing in that specific algorithm.Just my opinion.