I'm interested in taking .vcf files obtained from TCGA and merging them into a single file for a group of the same samples. TCGA used 4 variant callers (Somatic Sniper, MuSE, MuTect2, and VarScan2). Is there a script that can do this?
I'm interested in taking .vcf files obtained from TCGA and merging them into a single file for a group of the same samples. TCGA used 4 variant callers (Somatic Sniper, MuSE, MuTect2, and VarScan2). Is there a script that can do this?
If you have access to the VCFs, then I assume that you have access to the BAMs? My preference, time-permitting, would be to re-call somatic variants from the BAMs using the same variant caller, but I'm aware that this may pose a logistical challenge (in addition to taking more time).
In any case, you can do this yourself by setting rules about which variants to keep (or not). Questions you need to ask (and answer):
BCFtools will be your friend for getting through this, and awk.
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