Is there a way to force GATK haplotypecaller to output all genomic positions in the vcf; not only variant ones ?
Example here :
Top : Raw bam file
Middle : -outbam using : gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $genome -O test.vcf -I in.bam -ERC GVCF --max-alternate-alleles 3 -bamout test.bam -L interval.bed --output-mode EMIT_ALL_ACTIVE_SITES
bottom : -outbam using gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $genome -O test.vcf -I in.bam -ERC GVCF --max-alternate-alleles 3 -bamout test.bam -L interval.bed --output-mode EMIT_ALL_CONFIDENT_SITES
You can see that the region without variant sites are not processed by haplotypecaller ; even with EMIT_ALL_ACTIVE_SITES and EMIT_ALL_CONFIDENT SITES.
Any idea how to tune haplotypecaller to output all sites with enough coverage ?
gatk version :