Hi, I apologize for the short notice announcement but thought this could be interesting to some here: the Gene Ontology consortium is organizing a virtual meeting for users this Monday 11 at 8AM Pacific Time / 11 AM New York Time / 5PM Paris Time.
This first virtual meeting is an opportunity for users to learn more about the GO consortium, its activities and researches and how to use our data and tools. A live illustration of how enrichments can be performed will be done on covid-19 (http://geneontology.org/covid-19.html). Joining this virtual meeting is also an opportunity to speak directly with members of the GO consortium and get insights from the people designing and maintaining this resource.
The meeting will be held on Zoom Monday 11 at 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time / 11 AM - 13:30 AM New York Time / 5 PM - 7:30 PM Paris Time.
In order to get access to the meeting, you will have to register on eventbrite and subsequent instructions will be provided.
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gene-ontology-user-meeting-remote-registration-92720269823
We also welcome your feedback on the organization of more frequent small meetings like this one, as it is the consortium wishes to help the various GO communities and keep them informed of our most recent changes.