I used to work with KEGG.db before it got deprecated, and now i "have" to use KEGGREST, and im kinda fighting with it to get my KO as i used to do it with KEGG.db.
Following "https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/KEGGREST/inst/doc/KEGGREST-vignette.html"
I have managed to more or less understand it, but i keep getting an error when i run:
library(KEGGREST); listDatabases()
c("hsa:02010", "hsa:04142", "hsa:00600", "hsa:01100", "hsa:00071", "hsa:01100", "hsa:03320", "hsa:04146", hsa:04920", "hsa:04920", "hsa:04020", "hsa:04080", "hsa:04270")
query <- keggGet(datos$toKEGG, "ko")
"Error in .getUrl(url, .flatFileParser) : Bad Request (HTTP 400)."
¿Is there a way i can do a mappin as i used to do (and still do) with .db packages like:
datos= select(org.Hs.eg.db,
keys = gene_list,
keytype = 'SYMBOL')
Thank you in advance, and sorry for this quite "simple" question i, despise reading tutorials and going back to my notes, cant solve.