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4.8 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have just got back my PacBio sequencing of fungal ITS2 amplicons. I received one fastq file and I need to demultiplex the data in order to perform the filtering the clustering. I have never performed demultiplexing so I would like to ask which pipeline could I use to demultiplex this dataset.
Thanks a lot for any help!
Are barcodes in the header? Please add details. How many samples are in the file?
For PacBio data you can try their demultiplexing software LIMA.
Someone posted this a couple of days back: A: How to demultiplex PacBio from CCS.h5 or fastq You will need to see if this is correct.
You can also find a google group "SMRT_isoseq" to ask there specific questions.