Hello, I want to create interactive tables combining two lists in R.
I have one list (called GOterms) with GO terms and their statistics and another list (called GO2DEGs) with the genes and their statistics corresponing to the GO terms. The best way would be a table with child table (like shown here), but I could not manage to do this with my data.
All the results of the analysis are combined into one markdown html file and I also want to have this table in the results html file. Another option I tried using shiny is:
output: html_document
runtime: shiny
```{r echo = FALSE}
selectInput("GO_term", label = "Select GO term:",
choices = names(GOterms))
This works very nice, but now I have the problem that I cannot put it in my markdown file. I also need to save the output as a html file to share my results.
Do you know a way to embed the shiny script into the markdown file? I am searching for a way to create an interactive table with child tables in markdown.