Hi everybody, I am a newbie working with R, so please excuse some potential confusion.
I have some CEL raw files and would like to generate a table with expression levels. My CEL data is based on a Clariom S Mouse CHIP.
I used the oligo package to import and read my CEL files, which gives my a Large ExpressionFeatureSet. I created a matrix using:
exp_raw <- log2(Biobase::exprs(raw_data))
For the obtained matrix I get unspecified features (just numbers starting from 1...). I would like to assign the features to the Clariom S Mouse data CHIP that was used (meaning the gene names from the CHIP). Is there an easy way to do that?
In addition to that I can do some simple quality analysis but I don’t know how I can define groups for my samples, to compare them (I have 6 samples and two different genotypes that I want to compare). Do you have a recommendation how to deal with that? Do I need to create some Array Design Format (ADF) or Sample and Data Relationship Format (SDRF)?
Thank you very much in advance! I am happy for every advice!
Dear Kevin,
thank you very much for your answer and please excuse my late response! I really appreciate you trying to help me!
So I used the following steps:
first I set my working directory
next I load oligo
I read my CEL files using
I create a matrix from my expression set (log2 to get the fold change)
Concerning the annotation problem, I will try to follow the instructions from the link you send. Already thanks a lot! Lisa
Hey, that looks okay. However, are you sure that you want to be using the log2 of the raw intensities?
If you want to normalise your data, then should could do:
Then, you can access the log2 normalised expression levels via: