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4.7 years ago
We have the last 4 places left on the ONLINE course" RNAseq data analysis with R/Bioconductor " 15-19 June
This course was designed for those students interested in working with RNAseq data in R and Bioconductor and with no previous programming experience. The course assumes basic familiarity with genomics, but does not assume prior statistical training.
By the end of this course students will be able to perform:
- exploratory data analysis;
- principal components analysis;
- clustering, differential expression
- gene set analysis.
Programme: https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/course19/curriculum-19/
Our other online courses: https://www.physalia-courses.org/courses-workshops/
Hi! Out of curiosity, do you know where to find the solutions to the exercises of "Modern Statistics for Modern Biology"? Thanks
What does this has to do with this post?
They use this book as learning material.
Ok, I see, never mind then.