I have two groups with 12 (6 + 6) samples that were generated from bulk-RNA-Seq experiments. While performing the differential expression analysis the adjusted-p-value came out to be 1 with both DESEQ2 (Wald, LRT) and EdgeR (Quasi-likelihood, LRT). After, skimming through a few posts and papers, I found that its the result of Benjamini & Hochberg (BH) procedure and low replicate counts per group. Can anyone suggest some other workflow or library that I should implement to extract differentially expressed genes from such low biological replicates?
Would just like to add: 6 replicates per condition is not a low number of biological replicates. I routinely use half as many replicates per group. It's not statistically advisable to go through a ton of different workflows until you get the results you want (i.e. a good number of differentially expressed genes).
Also, I find it hard to believe that all your adjusted p-values are 1. Even on negative controls, DESeq2 and edgeR won't give adjusted p-values of 1 for all genes.(Edit: nevermind, this is possible for adjusted p-values as documented previously: same padj for all the genes after DEseq analysis ; not for raw p-values though). Follow ATpoint's suggestions so we can help you further.I am quite new to RNA-Seq so I followed tutorials from bioconductor's website.For DESeq2 I have used
andDESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced = ~ 1)
. For EdgeR I have usedglmQLFTest(fit,coef="Group2")
. The plots are Heatmap with eucledian distance and PCAAlso, quasi and LRT tests gave me FDR as 1 for all genes. But wald test gave the same value (0.98) for all genes.
Based on the clustering from the plots, I can't really discern any difference between group 1 and group 2. If they were truly different, group 1 samples would mostly form one cluster while group 2 samples would mostly form another cluster.
So it's probably really the case that there are no differentially expressed genes.