Dear All,
I am working to setup pipelines for variants calling. I used SOAPnuke, HISAT, for pre-process. Finally, I am using GATK to call snps/variants. I have tried a lot to figure out my error, please advice........
Here is my process:
Removing adaptors and cleaning other parts using SOAPnuke
../SOAPnuke filter -l 10 -q 0.5 -n 0.05 -1 trt-unassembled.fastq -C clean_trt.fastq -o result -T 8
Index and alignment with hisat2-2.2.0
./hisat2-build ..sequence.fastq ../PEDV
./hisat2 -x ../PEDV -U ../try.fastq -S ../trt.sam
samtools view -Sb ../trt.sam >../trt.bam
samtools sort ../trt.bam >../sorted-trt.bam
samtools index ../sorted-trt.bam
making .dict and .fai
java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R= ../sequence.fasta O= ../sequence.dict
samtools faidx ../sequence.fasta
SNPs Calling using GATK
./gatk HaplotypeCaller -R ../sequence.fasta -I ../sorted-trt.bam.bai -O ../variants-trt.vcf
-------ERROR: A USER ERROR has occurred: Input files reference and reads have incompatible contigs: No overlapping contigs found. reference contigs = [LGE3336] reads contigs = []
Here is the .dict file content:
.fai file content
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