Hi, a simpler / quicker way is likely via miRNAtap. In this example, I search for targets of [hsa]-miR-151-5p and I aggregate the findings across PicTar, DIANA, TargetScan, and miRanda. This program will rank the target genes.
searchTerm <- 'miR-151-5p'
mirTargetPredictions <- getPredictedTargets(
sources = c('pictar','diana','targetscan','miranda'),
species = 'hsa',
method = 'geom',
min_src = 3)
source_1 rank_product rank_final
27076 1 1 1
10235 2 2 2
25769 3 3 3
57572 4 4 4
171023 5 5 5
728642 6 6 6
Those rownames are Entrez IDs. We can convert these to HGNC symbols and Ensembl gene IDs:
mart <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
mart <- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart)
annot <- getBM(
mart = mart,
attributes = c('entrezgene_id', 'hgnc_symbol', 'ensembl_gene_id'),
uniqueRows = TRUE)
mirTargetPredictions <- data.frame(
annot[match(rownames(mirTargetPredictions), annot$entrezgene_id),])
source_1 rank_product rank_final entrezgene_id hgnc_symbol
27076 1 1 1 27076 LYPD3
10235 2 2 2 10235 RASGRP2
25769 3 3 3 25769 SLC24A2
57572 4 4 4 57572 DOCK6
171023 5 5 5 171023 ASXL1
728642 6 6 6 728642 CDK11A
27076 ENSG00000124466
10235 ENSG00000068831
25769 ENSG00000155886
57572 ENSG00000130158
171023 ENSG00000171456
728642 ENSG00000008128
Please explore the various parameters that are being used with these functions.
Thank you so much your answer but my species is rabbit that is why i used miranda to scan its reference genome, the package that you suggest does not include this species...
No problem, but, unfortunately, Oryctolagus cuniculus was not mentioned in your question.
Would it not also be a good idea to align the sequences to the annotation that already exists? - https://www.ensembl.org/Oryctolagus_cuniculus/Info/Index (see 'gene annotation' section).
Yes i could do that but miRanda gives target sequences of genes. My main question is, after I got the target sequences, I used blastn to find out which genes these sequences belong to, is this the correct way? Or do you know another packages to do that? Because i have lack of information about it obviously...
miRanda returns the predicted target mRNA sequence of your input micro-RNAs, right?
You can use BLAST for these, but I see no reason why you cannot also use the data that is already available for this species, e.g., aligning the predicted target sequences against the gene FASTA data available at: https://www.ensembl.org/Oryctolagus_cuniculus/Info/Index
There is no major issue with your approach, provided that you understand how to filter the BLAST output for the best alignments.
Now i understand what do you mean, yes you are right i will try it now !! Thank you so much. I didn't think in the first place.