I would like to use a gene name (e.g. DOCK2) or its ENSEMBL ID as input, and get as output the reported GWAS traits to the respective gene. I did give a look into the GWAS Catalog API webpage, but I didn't find a way to use gene as input. Also, I looked for R and Python libraries for doing that, and I couldn't find either (maybe I didn't search well).
I know it's possible to do that for associations, studies, SNPs, and efoTraits. For instance, I could just use https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/rest/api/singleNucleotidePolymorphisms/rs4918943 url, where it returns info for the SNP "rs4918943". I would like something similar for a gene ID, or a library that does it.
It would be great to input a gene and receives any output where I could retrieve the GWAS trais related to such gene.
Thanks in advance!
where we should replace {gene} with the gene symbol (e.g. TP53).
Example using R:
# Required library # could be readr::read_delim() as well
# Set the function
genesymbol2gwas <- function(gene){
url <- paste0(
"https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/api/search/downloads?q=ensemblMappedGenes:", gene,
# Use the function for gene "TP53"
Example using Python:
# Load library to read the result table as a dataframe
import pandas as pd
# Define the function
def genesymbol2gwas(gene):
url = "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/api/search/downloads?q=ensemblMappedGenes:{}&pvalfilter=&orfilter=&betafilter=&datefilter=&genomicfilter=&genotypingfilter[]=&traitfilter[]=&dateaddedfilter=&facet=association&efo=true"
return pd.read_csv(url.format(gene), sep='\t')
# Use the function for gene "TP53"
I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it?
Hi! Yes, I did! I just posted the solution I came across.