Hello everyone,
I was wondering and looking around in thr internet if there's any way to retrieve biosamples meta data using the url API, In fact, i need this for a script that will be implemented in django, I used the same method to retrieve bioProject metadata and it worked perfectly ( i just dynamically combined the link outils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/outils/eftech.fcgi + the name of database + the accession numbera), which returns an XML.
This method doesn't work for bioSamples because the developers of Entrez used a "historyId" attribute instead of the accession number for retrieving data from using the link !
I would like to get your help or guidance for any path that might be helpfull
Not clear what exactly you are looking to get. Can you provide an example?
In the case that this is a problem of conversion of the "historyID" to NCBI accession number for making the API request : you can try using biomaRt in R in which you can interchange between different identifiers. A post related to this : C: Map Protein Accession Number to Uniprot identifier in R