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4.6 years ago
I am trying to create co-expression network between lncRNA and RNA but I am not sure if the "trait" file I have made is correct. I have 14 samples with two conditions "Nodules" and "ctrl". Is this format right?
Client group
X3 1
X4 1
X5 1
X6 1
X8 1
X9 1
X10 1
X11 1
X15 1
X16 1
X17 1
X128 0
X129 0
X130 0
Did you try using this file and it didn't work, that's why you are asking it? Or you didn't try it? Looks ok to me.
It worked. but I was not sure if the results are correct. I am getting an error while generating the heatmap, so I was not confident.
Error in colorMatrix[, c] : incorrect number of dimensions
Somethings seems to be wrong in your colormatrix. Try making the heatmap with default colors. Use blueWhiteRed instead of greenWhiteRed.
Still the same error :(
seems like its a common problem. I found the same problem in a Chinese website Which I translated to English. https://www.omicsclass.com/question/2568
Yes over there also you see it is related to color scale. Could also be related to difference in row names of phenodata and sample ids.