Has anyone been able to run bowtie2 with tophat? Seems tophat is still reliant on Bowtie 0.12.7, but reading the specs on bowtie2 - it is probably a better option for >50bp reads.
Has anyone been able to run bowtie2 with tophat? Seems tophat is still reliant on Bowtie 0.12.7, but reading the specs on bowtie2 - it is probably a better option for >50bp reads.
Never mind.. I found it on seqanswers. Seems the answer is not yet..
Not a direct answer to your question, but you might want to take a look at "Comparative analysis of RNA-Seq alignment algorithms and the RNA-Seq unified mapper (RUM)":
Based on that paper, tophat would not be my first choice.
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Update. Now that tophat2 is available, you can use bowtie2 OR bowtie1.