I contribute to a small web database for people doing genetics on ants. To encourage citations, I'd like to display links to articles recently citing our publication.
Like what would appear on google scholar if you click the "Cited By" link.
thanks for the quick answer... but as pointed out in neil's own comments and the friendfeed responses, this will break as soon as google changes the way their pages are formatted (and they have no reason not to)
EDIT by lh3 for a recent update on CiteXplore: The following URL returns an HTML page showing the number of citations from Web Of Science. We can just do a regex matching to get the number out. Note that to compose the URL, we have to add "&citedCount=1"; otherwise it does not work. The UKpmc also gives the Web of Science citation numbers, but it uses AJAX, which is a little harder to parse.
+1. Thanks a lot. I like this. I used to use hubmed.org, but it does not function properly any more. ISI is great, but requires subscription and is not easily "programmable".
Thanks a lot. I like this. I used to use hubmed.org, but it does not function properly any more. ISI is great, but requires subscription and is not easily "programmable".
CiteXplore does find fewer than ISI in my case, but not far off. I am not expecting something better than ISI after all. As to Google scholar, it always finds too many.
I found this python code sometime back but didn't have the time to modify to serve my pruposes. Right now it would return a dictionary based on your search terms.
Maybe a bit of topic, but still related. I have been struggling to capture scholar as well.
But you might find http://www.citedin.org interesting here. Through Citedin.org you can find which resource other then from the literature cite you pmid. (ie. Wikipedia, Uniprot, blogs, etc). There is an API to incorporate this in your website
You can use Europe PMC (former UKPMC) API to retrieve a list of publications which cite a given paper. For a RESTful request you can construct the URL using the PMID of the paper you want retrieve citations for: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/europepmc/webservices/rest/MED/[PMID]/citations. You can also view citations on the website itself, they are visually presented in a citation graph, and the list of papers citing a publication can be found under Citations tab.
So even Pubmed Central has no "cited by" search? That sucks.
Yeah it sucks.
Ukpubmedcentral and Citexplore both find only 2 citations: http://ukpmc.ac.uk/abstract/MED/19126223 http://ukpmc.ac.uk/abstract/MED/19126223
ISI finds six citations: http://apps.isiknowledge.com/CitedFullRecord.do?product=WOS&search_mode=CitedFullRecord&isickref=177941161
Google finds 7, but one is a duplicate...
(I work in the field of ecology/evolution... some of our journals don't end up in medical reference libraries)
Please upvote the google scholar API request