I am brand spanking new to this, recieved a pilot grant to use the Ion Torrent sequencing system. I recieved two .sff files (one per condition) that are 2 GB in size and I have no idea what to do with them. I'm interested in a set of specific genes and whether their expression changes by condition. Where do I start, what program do I need? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
To add more detail: I had extracted RNA from two cultures of the same cell grown in two different conditions. I had their transcriptome sequenced by an Ion Torrent machine. I want to look at the expression of a set of specific genes in the transcriptome of these cells. This is a pilot project and is not meant be conclusive, but more of a proof of principle.
I will be seeking assistance next week from the facility that ran my samples, just thought I could try to get a head start over the weekend. Cheers!
I would recommend to find a collaborator with experience in the field
I think that's the best you can do, however I could question what the reason might be not to give such grants to experienced researchers in the first place (but I don't!).