Hi everyone,
It is the first time I work with this kind of data. The information of my data is the following:
- SurePrintG3 Human Gene Expression v2 8x60k microarray (Agilent ref.G4851B) 83 samples (47 primary tumors más 36 metastasis)
I need to do the preanalysis (Normalization and do some basic analysis for microarray data) and also performe the tumor purity with Estimate package or some similar package. I am trying to use some scripts for doing the preanalysis with lima in R such as:
A: How to process (seems) Agilent microarrry data?
Single-color Agilent array analyzing in R
This examples are made for specific agilent kits, so I am not sure to use it or modify some part of the scripts
Moreover I have the microarray data in .txt files and a target file with the following info:
FileName Sample_Type
2701 PT
2708 PT
2710 PT
2711 PT
2712 PT
2713 M1
2714 M1
PT: primary tumor M1: Metastasis
Thanks in advance,
Hi Kevin, Thanks for your reply. I was following your script but I have some doubts:
In my case, the analysis was made with "SurePrintG3 Human Gene Expression v2 8x60k microarray" So, in the follwing part of your script, should I change the name of attributes to: 'agilent_wholegenome_8x60k_v2' ?
Thanks again, G. Phil
Hey, for the 8x60k v2 you can use:
Hi Kevin, thanks again. I used the function listAttributes(mart) and it display all options.
However, I get the following warning:
I think the proper attribute is "entrezgene_id". Please correct me if I'm wrong.
On other hand, I'm also interested in a normalized input in order to performe The tumor purity with ESTIMATE package. Please, if you know any way to create this input, It would help me a lot.
Thanks again,
G. Phil
Yes, please use entrezgene_id. This was modified internally at Ensembl within the past couple of months.