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10.5 years ago
Karol Pal jr.
I am trying to align reads to a reference, which contains ambiguity code. Mosaik claims to be able to do this but somehow fails... All the reads were generated from the reference sequence but do not contain ambiguity code ( e.g. if there is an M in the reference the read has either an A or a C). Does anyone have any experience with this?
Thanks in advance
Are you sure that the failing has to do something with the ambiguous bases. Can you post the "error" ?
Thank you for the fast reply... No I'm not sure, this is the alignment statistics I get:
managed to align SOME reads with a different version (latest, precompiled, unix) still many filtered out for unknown reason
Hi Karol,
have you found a solution for your problem? I have the same issue.
Best regards,
I'm sorry to disappoint you, I have never truly solved this problem. If anything I try to avoid ambiguity code after this experience :) .
Hi Joana, I am looking for similar solution. You are over 2 yrs ahead with that problem. Did you solved it? Can you help?
Kind regards,