I am looking for a database/API to map ''Target ChEMBL ID" to "Entrez Gene". For example, given CHEMBL6196 I would like to get 7363 (UGT2B4).
How about "Molecule ChEMBL ID" to "DrugBank Id", e.g. 'CHEMBL1256957': 'DB00264'?
Currently, I have to do this manually by searching for each ID in https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl.
It works, thanks, Jean. Do you also know how can I change "Molecule ChEMBL ID" to "DrugBank Id"?
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is for new answers to the original question.I found biomaRt helpful in toggling between different database ids, I guess this would also work to jump from ChEMBL to Entrez. I have not tried that combination however in the past I have managed to jump from ensembl to uniprot, as an example.
A sample code which does this for me is :
More information on the parameters can be found in this manual which I find extremely helpful - https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/biomaRt/inst/doc/biomaRt.html