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4.5 years ago
Hi! I have many bed files like A.bed. And B.bed is converted from a gtf.
cat A.bed
chr7 158788004 158788417
chr7 158793650 158793726
chr7 158797942 158798076
chr7 158799050 158799072
bedtools intersect -a A.bed -b B.bed -wa -wb
chr7 158788004 158788417 chr7 158788004 158788093 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158788004 158788417 chr7 158788094 158788344 ENSG00000117868.15 intron -
chr7 158788004 158788417 chr7 158788345 158788417 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158793650 158793726 chr7 158793650 158793726 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158793650 158793726 chr7 158793674 158793726 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158797942 158798076 chr7 158797942 158798076 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158799050 158799072 chr7 158799031 158799072 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
Now, I hope to get the result like this. For each feature in A.bed, only output the best overlap
chr7 158788004 158788417 chr7 158788004 158788093 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158788004 158788417 chr7 158788094 158788344 ENSG00000117868.15 intron -
chr7 158788004 158788417 chr7 158788345 158788417 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158793650 158793726 chr7 158793650 158793726 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158797942 158798076 chr7 158797942 158798076 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
chr7 158799050 158799072 chr7 158799031 158799072 ENSG00000117868.15 exon -
Is there any good way? Thanks!
it would make it easier if you could write one more line explaining the expected outcome than me comparing 16 lines manually!
Yeah I'm not reading those tables. Maybe original poster could explain what a best overlap is? I've always been happy with bedtools overlap, maybe using some flags when I wanted certain behaviors, bedtools has a lot of options.