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4.6 years ago
I'm running vcf2maf.pl on about 100 VCF files. But some files (about 10) do not report any MAF, and they report the below error:
Can't exec "/bin/sh": Argument list too long at /home/.conda/envs/variant_calling/bin/vcf2maf.pl line 376.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /home/.conda/envs/variant_calling/bin/vcf2maf.pl line 376.
Can't exec "/bin/sh": Argument list too long at /home/.conda/envs/variant_calling/bin/vcf2maf.pl line 376.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /home/.conda/envs/variant_calling/bin/vcf2maf.pl line 376.
ERROR: You're either using an outdated samtools, or --ref-fasta is not the same genome build as your --input-vcf. at /home/.conda/envs/variant_calling/bin/vcf2maf.pl line 390.
Here is the code I used for running:
vcf2maf.pl --input-vcf $somatic_vcfs/${file_base%.vcf.gz}.somatic.vcf\
--output-maf $maf_out/${sample}.maf \
--tumor-id $tumor_id \
--normal-id $normal_id \
--species homo_sapiens \
--ncbi-build GRCh38 \
--cache-version 96 \
--ref-fasta $ref \
--vep-forks 14 \
--vep-path $vep_path \
--vep-data $vep_data
I'm unsure why this error happens only for a select VCF files.
Any help is appreciated!
use the
syntax in all your variables to avoid expansion.Can you search for the error and try some of the suggested solutions? - it has been reported previously. The error is: