Good day
I am trying to import xml files in Omicx box blast2go for functional mapping and annotations. I have even tried DAA files in Megan to map to pathways with no luck. However, after import, the xml file is empty, which according to the size of these files is not the case. I have tried changing the import parameters, but I do not have a lot of options to change. There is no option to change the separator and position etc. as mentioned on their support website as a solution to this. Have anyone used the blast2go in Omicsbox with xml files. How do I get my xml files imported without getting an empty file? Secondly if anyone perhaps also know how to use DAA files in Megan to get functional annotations, as I only get taxonomic annotations, all the functional annotations are classified as unknown. Any help will be appreciated as I already tried the websites for blast2go and Megan, but I cannot find a way to solve my problem?
Regards Sunette