I have a dataset of 32 samples quantified using salmon
. I used tximport
to import the data:
txi=tximport(c(a vector of file names),type="salmon",tx2gene=tx2gene)
I have created the colData and used DESeqDataSetFromTximport
to construct the Deseq2 data set:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi = txi,colData = col_data,design = ~ Form)
In this case, all 32 samples are used, now I only want to use a subset of txi by choosing specific samples. Is there a way to subset my current txi rather than constructing a new txi using only the samples that I want?
Does this means after the subset, you should reset the design to the situation of the subset? Thanks!
If the filter changed the design (like removing an entire group), then probably yes.