I'm having trouble with Bedtools Intersect. It is not reporting overlap when all of feature A is within feature B.
bedtools intersect -a File1.bed -b File2.gff -wao -f 0.90 -sorted > Out.file
VMNF01000005.1 484754 484980 . . + . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000005.1 484754 484980 . . + . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000005.1 484754 484980 . . + . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000005.1 484754 484980 . . - . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000007.1 6294425 6294650 . . - . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000007.1 6294425 6294650 . . - . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000007.1 6294425 6294650 . . - . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000007.1 6294425 6294650 . . + . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
VMNF01000008.1 1441418 1441616 . . - . . . -1 -1 . . . . 0
When I search manually, all of feature A sits within feature B.
Can anybody please explain where I have gone wrong?
Bedtools version: bedtools v2.29.2
Thank you for your recommendation - I used Bedmap and had a similar result, I have now realised that there was a small difference in the naming of scaffolds/contigs in the gff compared to the bed file, and both bedtools intersect and Bedmap now work. I'll have a look at results from both and see how they compare.
Thank you once again.