Hello everyone!
I'm trying to run mirdeep2.pl
Command I use is following:
miRDeep2.pl reads_collapsed.fa Lusitatissimum_200_BGIv1.0.fa SRR8582417.arf none none none
1) reads_collapsed.fa file was created with SAM to ARF built-in mirdeep2 converter and has the following content:
2) Lusitatissimum_200_BGIv1.0.fa is my reference genome
3) SRR8582417.arf was generated with converter as well
miRDeep2 starts to run, but then it crashes with the error:
> #testing input files
> #testing input files sanity_check_reads_ready_file.pl reads_collapsed.fa
> started: 23:31:07 Error: problem with reads_collapsed.fa Error in line
> 434.802: Either the sequence contains less than 17 characters or contains characters others than [acgtunACGTUN]
> Please make sure that your file only comprises sequences that have at
> least 17 characters
> containing letters [acgtunACGTUN]
Both statements are false actually and alll files are in the working directory What's the problem?
Thank you! But there was a test file in mirdeep2/tutorial. I ran mirdeep with my files + this test file and it was ok.
But this file has the same header' structure as mine. Why does it work?
sorry, I must have had it confused with mireap. are you sure the sequence lengths are all above 17? you might have to dig deeper into that.
and parse output
I have removed all strings shorter than 18 with
mapper.pl reads.fa -c -j -l 18 -m -s reads_collapsed.fa
Just to be sure I also removed all non-printable chrs using command line
sed 's/[^[:print:]]//g' reads.fa > clean.fa
Did not help(
Then I just removed line 434.802, didn't help as well
By the way, the error is still in line 434.802 though I removed it