I have followed Trinity guidelines and assembled a denovo assembly as well as used that assembly as a reference to quantify the reads using RSEM and finally followed it with Differential expression analysis using DESeq2. For Differential expression analysis, I have used RSEM.genes.results rather than the RSEM.isoform.results, since I was not sure using isoform level expression, is accurate or not compared to gene-level expression.
But the problem now is how do I select the best transcript/isoform for the Differential expressed genes because without that I cannot extract the sequence from Trinity assembly as the Trinity assembly has sequences for isoforms and not genes.
I have thought of doing this in several ways - selecting the longest isoform, clustering all the isoforms, and then select the longest isoform but I was wondering if I can get a consensus of all the isoforms for the gene of interest.
Thank you so much. You saved my day!!! Super-transcripts are what I was looking for :)