I want to analyse missense de novo variants in context of autism spectrum disorder and I have access to already annotated (SnpEff) vcf files. Each VCF has at least a trio (father, mother, proband) and sometimes an unaffected sibling.
Do I need to phase before looking for de novo? Which tools can I use to do so? HaplotypeCaller for phasing and VariantAnnotator for de novo findings?
Is it also possible to get the SnpEff html report from an already annotated file?
And finally, what can I use to get an "nicer" output from a VCF file, to list every missense de novo, synonymous, ...
Thank you,
Thank you Pierre,
Would you care to explain where phasing is needed?
And should I do the first step in this workflow? https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/articles/360035531432-Genotype-Refinement-workflow-for-germline-short-variants
Hi Pierre, PossibleDeNovo from VariantAnnotator doesn't seem to work.
I have a VCF containing this mutation :
First two are, respectively, father and mother, third is proband and fourth is unaffected sibling.
I've created a PED file with vcftools from the VCF file and edited it to specify family links
As I understand it, this mutation should be annotated as low confidence denovo :
GQ for parents are 56 and 1 (so >0) and proband is 54.
When running, I come across those :
Could this mean that the issue lies in the PED file?
Thank you