I'm trying to graph a figure with Y-axis (gene 1) and X-axis (multiples genes for a cell phenotype). I also want to get statistics for the result. Ideally, I want to graph gene 1 (Y-axis) and phenotype 1 and Phenotype 2 on the X-axis.
I'm using R studio, but I'm a beginner (learning with Codecademy). I tried to use CIBERSORT, but I haven't been able to get an activation code. If you know how to get around that let me know.
If you know a user-friendly web application for data visualization and analysis to explore expression datasets like GlioVis or CIBERSORT, please let me know. I used GlioVis but it doesn't let you do what I'm looking for.
I'm also trying to do Kaplan-Meier estimator survival analysis for gene X and group-specific patients for analysis. GlioVis has a nice app for it but does not allow you exclude certain phenotypes.
Hello! Hope you're doing well.
Have you tried using something like GSVA? That is able to give you an enrichment score per-sample for a given geneset or multitude of genesets