I am trying to use the getGeneLengthAndGCContent function from the EDASeq library to retrieve gene lengths for c. elegans. I retrieved Ensemble gene ids from Biomart for c.elegans and I'm using those as input to getGeneLengthAndGCContent (I picked "ensemble_gene_id" from the filters of the worm annotation Mart). Here's an example of how I'm trying to use the function:
getGeneLengthAndGCContent("WBGene00001042", org, mode=c("biomart", "org.db"))
When I try to run this, I get
Error in getGeneLengthAndGCContent("WBGene00001042", org, mode = c("biomart", :
Only ENTREZ or ENSEMBL gene IDs are supported.
However, it does seem to me like WBGene00001042 is an Ensembl ID (here's an example of a c elegans gene in Ensembl: http://uswest.ensembl.org/Caenorhabditis_elegans/Gene/Summary?g=WBGene00001042;r=III:5415556-5419565;t=W03A5.7.1) I don't see any other possible ids in Ensembl (I tried gene name, that didn't work either)
EDIT: Scrolling down to the bottom of the page, there is a table which includes "coding sequence length." I am now trying to figure out how to retrieve this independent of getGeneLengthAndGCContent