After denovo assembly, the assembled transcripts were quantified using salmon it generated a quant.sf file
can I use this file as an input for differential gene expression analysis using edgeR ?
I had more than ~100 samples to analyze,
Can you provide some good tutorial easily understandable, very new to bioinformatics research.
Suggestions Please!
head quant.sf
Name Length EffectiveLength TPM NumReads
TRINITY_DN30552_c0_g1_i1 772 523.000 2.826146 133.000
TRINITY_DN30585_c0_g1_i1 572 323.000 0.756946 22.000
TRINITY_DN30563_c0_g1_i1 516 267.000 56.484784 1357.057
TRINITY_DN30563_c0_g2_i1 515 266.000 382.614124 9157.943
TRINITY_DN30577_c0_g1_i1 1130 881.000 1.337133 106.000
TRINITY_DN30527_c1_g1_i1 366 117.000 3.035056 31.953
TRINITY_DN30527_c0_g1_i1 446 197.000 4.343794 77.000
TRINITY_DN30562_c0_g1_i1 236 16.266 4.099455 6.000
TRINITY_DN30526_c0_g1_i1 384 135.000 1.399458 17.000
Have you searched online for "differential expression salmon"? That would have shown you this comment by genomax on a previous question that addresses your problem.