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4.7 years ago
Hi, I have to find the codon changes in genes. how can i find ? is there any script or tool for resolving this problem ? I have the coordinate of allele like > 1A 124189778 124189779 and corresponding gene in which > GA changes occurred. the numbers of genes are in hundreds and finding codon chages one by one by ENSEMBL database is very time taking.
chr coordinate coordinate base_change gene-name Amino_acid_change
1A 124189778 124189779 GA gene1 ?
1A 124189787 124189788 GA gene2 ?
1A 124189792 124189793 GA gene3 ?
this question has been asked many times on this site. Please search for "VEP" , "SnpEff", etc...
VEP and SnpEff take the input file as VCF file. I have file in partially bed format contain chr_name, coordinate , allel change..these 3 information only. so this file is not according to input file format of VEP and SnpEff.
you just have to reformat your input.
<script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Dear Pierre Lindenbaum, now i have change the format of file according to VEP tool. this tool can take the input file as mention in this link [https://plants.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/vep_formats.html#default]
here is my file
this file format is Default VEP input, but still i got the error that input file format is not correct. i have use the online VEP.