I am attempting to run fastqc on a single read fastq file. I used sra toolkit to convert sra file to a fastq file. I checked that the file was not paired in and then converted to fastq so I know its correctly formatted (I think). I then closed out the terminal and set the PATH to my FastQC file to run commands but when try to run QC on my file it tells me that "Skipping 'fastq/SRR9019705_1.fastq' which didn't exist, or couldn't be read". I though this was initially because I processed the file as paired end when it was single but after converting for single I am still getting this error. The PATH was set to FastQC location while the directory was set to the fastq file location. I have very minimal experience with terminal.
leonfoymcswain@Leons-MBP ~ % export PATH=$PATH:/Users/leonfoymcswain/Desktop/Bio_Packages/FastQC
leonfoymcswain@Leons-MBP ~ % cd /Users/leonfoymcswain/Desktop/NCBI_Datasets/Ovchinnikov_2020/SRR9019705/fastq
leonfoymcswain@Leons-MBP fastq % fastqc -t 8 fastq/SRR9019705_1.fastq fastq/SRR9019705_1.fastq
Skipping 'fastq/SRR9019705_1.fastq' which didn't exist, or couldn't be read
Skipping 'fastq/SRR9019705_1.fastq' which didn't exist, or couldn't be read
Thank you! I realized the file name was also typed incorrectly -_-
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