I have around 30 sam files in my different directories -
So in my current directory there are around 30 directories naming sff41, sff42,...,sff71,etc and then in each directory there is sub-dir called mapping in which I have out.sam files. Now I want to-
Convert file from SAM to BAM format
Sort BAM file
- index the bam file
One option is to do it 1 by 1 which is very annoying. I also found something on this blog but it assumes all sam files with different names in one directory. I am pasting bash script from this blog-
for sample in *.sam
echo $sample
describer=$(echo ${sample} | sed 's/.sam//')
echo $describer
# Convert file from SAM to BAM format
samtools view -b $sample > ${describer}.uns.bam
# Sort BAM file
samtools sort ${describer}.uns.bam ${describer}
# index the bam file
samtools index ${describer}.bam
# Revove intermediate files
rm ${describer}.uns.bam
Can anyone please suggest how to modify this according to my directories or if you have any other fast method to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks. Just 1 correction, in "samtools index $i.sorted" it should be "samtools index $i.sorted.bam" with.bam in the end.
Yeah, sorry I didn't tested the indexing part. Cheers
The original code is right and there is no need to add ".bam" to "samtools index $i.sorted.bam", since the output of previous command "samtools sort - $i.sorted" generates a file named "$i.sorted" which is consequently piped into next commands.