Hello everyone, I need some help in order to know wether candidates genes are expressed or not.
In order to do that I have already done the following steps :
3 Built hisat indexes
$HISAT2/hisat2-build Assembly.fa mapping_index
2 Mapper the RNA reads to the assembly
$HISAT2/hisat2 --dta -k 1 -q -x mapping_index --sra-acc SRR6456290,SRR6456292 | $SAMTOOLS/samtools view -o mapping_Assembly.bam 2> stats_mapping.txt
3) Sorted bam by position
$SAMTOOLS/samtools sort mapping_Assembly.bam -o mapping.sorted_Assembly.bam
and I have a list of candidate genes with coordinates such as :
Chr start end strand
1 1 600 -
1 200 90 -
2 30 900 +
and I would like to know if these particular genes are significatively expressed or not ? I know that a TMP method could be a nice idea but I do not know what kind of program is the most suitable for my question ? I do not want to test for difference of expression within conditions, just to test if the candidat gene is exprimed.
Thank you very much for you help
There is no gold standard to determine when a gene is expressed or not. There is often background transcriptional level, especially detected when samples are sequenced deeply, but without biological meaning. For a data-driven method check for example zFPKM: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/zFPKM.html