Hi everybody,
I am running GATK pipeline for variant calling in trinity with following command.
/usr/local/bin/Trinityrnaseq-v2.6.6/Analysis/SuperTranscripts/AllelicVariants/run_variant_calling.py --st_fa ./SuperDuper.fasta --st_gtf ./SuperDuper.gff -p ./FCHG1.fq.gz ./FCHG.fq.gz -o ./variant_calls_outdir
But I got following error:
Error, missing path to Picard-Tools in $PICARD_HOME.
based on the instructions on the trinity web, I need to set the installation directory to the environmental variable ${PICARD_HOME}. for this purpose (adding the picard path to $PATH) I tried following command but my problem was not solved.
echo $PATH
I don’t know how can I set the installation directory to the environmental variable ${PICARD_HOME}.
best regards