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4.4 years ago
Hey all, I am trying to annotate some wgs variant data with minor allele frequencies from the GNOMAD database. I am tring to use ANNOVAR to do this, but I am running into some errors.
annotate_variation.pl -regionanno -dbtype gnomad_genome -outfile test_out -buildver hg38 n4k_EGAF21.vcf humandb/
NOTICE: Output file is written to test_out.hg38_gnomad_genome
NOTICE: Reading annotation database humandb/hg38_gnomad_genome.txt ... Error: invalid record found in region annotation database: <#Chr StartEnd Ref Alt gnomAD_genome_ALL gnomAD_genome_AFR gnomAD_genome_AMR gnomAD_genome_ASJ gnomAD_genome_EAS gnomAD_genome_FIN gnomAD_genome_NFE gnomAD_genome_OTH>
I downloaded the database following the instructions on the annovar website.
Any help on this would be appreciated, thanks.