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4.4 years ago
Hi Everyone
I am trying to get all genes that has gremlin variant from biomart using code:
SNPs <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id'), filters = 'germ_line_variation_source',values='with_validated_snp', mart = mygenome)
SNPs <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id'), filters = 'germ_line_variation_source',values=’SGRP’, mart = mygenome)
SNPs <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id'), filters = 'germ_line_variation_source',values=TRUE, mart = mygenome)
all the above fails. Although, something similar works with me for GO:
GO <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id'), filters = 'go', values ="GO:0006119", mart = mygenome)
Any hint how to use the snps filter?
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Thanks RamRS, done :)
Your query #2 in the question should work as well. I have a feeling the quotes interfere with the query. If you're copy-pasting from Microsoft products (or other word processors), ensure all quotes are simple single or double quotes (
) and not stylized quotes ( ’ ).See the difference here:
Second that. Turn off "smart quotes and dashes" in Apple --> System Preferences --> Keyboard --> text, if you are using macOS.
I am using linux, and vim. :) Thanks genomax