Hi everyone.
I was using this wonderful package for annotation of my BED files using R. The package is annotatr. In this package, the annotate_regions() function has an option to specify the minimum overlap you would like to consider to assign that annotation to the BED coordinates. However, they haven't mentioned any range as if it is from 0 to 1.
Also, what does 1L represent in minoverlap = 1L. What should be the value to allow 50% of overlap?
Anyone having experience with Granges could help
Thanks @ATpoint.
For the minOverlap takes the number of bases you wish to consider as a valid overlap. So if you have regions of uniform length (say 1000bp) and you wish to consider the overlap with 500bp as significant overlap, one must set the value to 500L.It's your above-mentioned script that helped me reach this conclusion