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4.6 years ago
Hi, all!
I'm currently analysing a single cell RNA-seq data using Seurat3.
While analysing, I found that the UMAP/tSNE plots by DimPlot
kept changing everytime I ran it even though I sat the seed.use
for RunPCA
and RunUMAP
The code I used is below.
>nDim = 50
>mipsc <- RunPCA(mipsc, npcs = nDim, features = VariableFeatures(object = mipsc), seed.use = 123)
>ElbowPlot(mipsc, ndims = nDim)
>mipsc <- RunUMAP(mipsc, dims = 1:20, seed.use = 123)
Is there a bug in the code or other steps I must set a seed?
Thank you!
My version of Seurat is
. In the docs ofrunPCA()
says:seed.use: Set a random seed. By default, sets the seed to 42. Setting NULL will not set a seed.
. By default is using the seed 42, so there is no need to set the seed at all in first place (I mean, if you just want to keep reproducibility).This seems odd to me. Therefore, you might consider open an issue on their github repo: https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/issues
Thank you, António!
I will do that~~